Lynette L.
Biltmore, AZ
Lynette’s Story
In 2017, at the age of 47, I was in the best shape of my life. I was working out 5-6 days a week, lifting heavy weights, and eating clean. I’ll never forget the afternoon that spring, that my doctor called and said, “it’s cancer.” I spent the next year of my life undergoing aggressive cancer treatment in the form of chemotherapy, surgeries, and radiation to treat triple-negative breast cancer. Thankfully my cancer treatment team saved my life, however, my physical body had been destroyed.
I spent the next two years trying to regain my previous physical appearance but to no avail. The workout programs and meal plans I tried simply were not working and I was becoming increasingly frustrated and defeated. I was almost ready to just accept my physical shape and give up. Then a brand-new Life Time club opened in my neighborhood and I became a Founding Member. I joined the 60day Challenge with the goals of losing weight and toning up. I began attending Alpha Strength at least two times per week. I had never tried a program like Alpha Strength and was initially not sure I was cut out for the program. It turned out to be the best workout program I have ever experienced and my hope was restored.
Through Alpha Strength, I met one of the trainers at the club, Kaitlyn B. From the very first time we talked, she became my cheerleader and without her genuine support and guidance, my success would never have happened. She consistently encouraged and supported my journey and celebrated my accomplishments. She believed in me and that was key to my engagement in the process. Another key component to my success in the challenge included making one lifestyle change each week, such as increasing water intake, having protein at each meal, and getting plenty of sleep. I found that incorporating these small but essential changes to my lifestyle was instrumental in my progress. What’s even better is that the 60day used the platform in the Life Time Training app where participants could keep track of daily accomplishments for the challenge such as completing a workout, logging sleep hours, and body stats, to name a few.
The 60day Challenge materials offered participants simple meal plans and meal prep components to set me up for nutritional success. Each week, Coach Anika, the 60day Challenge virtual coach, emailed a helpful Nutrition Hack video providing simple, yet helpful tips to address common pitfalls such as how to limit added sugars, and incorporating more protein into my plan. Additionally, I began taking the Life Time Women’s Daily Multivitamin AM/PM and LT Fish Oil. After each workout, I also take the Life Time Amino Complex to assist my body with recovery. For breakfast every morning I have a protein shake using Life Time Isolate Protein. After my workouts, I enjoy the sauna, whirlpool, and cold plunge in the club. The 60day Challenge has been instrumental in setting me up with the tools and resources needed to meet my goals. In just 60 days, I have noticed dramatic changes in both my physical body and my mental well-being. Most importantly, the concepts and lifestyle changes from the challenge are sustainable over time, making it simple to continue as part of a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle. Thank you, Life Time!